Scully, I couldn't get this link to work!! Any help?
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
by SHUNNED FATHER inthankyou for donating to this worthy cause.
the cheques should be made out to: save the children and mailed to:.
save the children.
Did you ever write an excuse on the back of your service report?
by JH in.
when i joined the jw's, i remember an elder stating that when you do less than the average number of hours in your month, mark the reason why in the back of the service report sheet that you give at the end of each month.. did anybody else receive these instructions way back in the late 80's?
White Waves
My 2nd failed pregnancy (2003) went into the 4th month and was medically traumatic the last 2 months. I was directed to write on my service report that medical conditions hindered my ability to perform my field service activities. My subsequent surgeries and injuries from my husband did not draw any attention and I ceased from filing my service report. Over a year past and the CO's wife visited with my JW Pioneer mom. Hell broke loose because I was not counselled or allowed to count 15 minute increments which were allowed at the time for those in my circumstances (2004). My mom begged me to make light of this so she would not be punished and to be as forgiving as possible for her sake. The COs wife asked me to submit to the order of the men being above us and, though they had errored, view myself as more sinful than them. I hadn't been able to heal enough to attend any assemblies or go to work in ages and no one returned my called from the KH or visited me. Per my husband, he spoke on my behalf and I was a disappointment to the KH elders. Also, per my husband, I was no longer being abused, I was just depressed and lazy. F them all. And thank them all. I am free.
What are your reasons for not joining another religion?
by MARTINLEYSHON ini am going to start this debate of by saying that those of us who were raised in the so called truth, and i being one of them, can only come to terms with our past by accepting that our parents infected our minds like a virus infects a computer.
we wouldn't categorise children according to their parents' political stance, since they are too young to make up their minds about such matters.
but they (jw) segregate them from the world.
White Waves
I wanted to join the Lutheran ELCA cong in our new neighborhood. I visited with my boyfriend but I haven't been able to make myself visit for months. My boyfriend is upset at times, like Easter. I just can't accept that any organized religion is going to be beneficial to me. Not only that, I am enjoying not having to get up and go to church on Sunday. It feels like a luxury to me. A bonus day I never got to enjoy before. I brew my coffee, get my paper and sit on the covered second story deck and enjoy the woods, birds and wildlife. Usually my boyfriend joins me and we have a great time together and talk a lot. I can't bring myself to get up early or dress up (no jeans at this church) even if my boyfriend tries to bribe me with going out to breakfast, etc. I am not closed-minded. Perhaps in time. Until then, I will enjoy my Sundays, as is - in my PJs - in relaxed mode.
I unwillingly gave blood!!!!!
by ButtLight inyep.
i didnt want to, and it was taken from me anyway!
i was at our cabin this weekend, walking through the woods.
White Waves
I didn't realize humans could get bitten so easily by ticks. In WI, where I live, our 2 dogs and 2 indoor/outdoor cats get ticks. Mostly the lyme-disease carrying deer ticks as we have deer in our yard daily. We give the pets anti-tick and flea meds but they still get bitten. 1 year and I have yet to be bitten, as far and I know. I do have to say, I have found them on my scalp. The creepy crawly feeling is unbearable until they fall on the table or floor. Then they die. Perhaps animals, as the preferred prey, are a protection to humans? I certainly am starting to think so!! I hike with proper shoes (water-proof, above ankle, etc.) but do not wear tick protective clothing or sprays. I guess I am using my pets as a barrier. Butt, you are correct, Ticks use a chemical to numb the skin so the prick of their mouth does not draw attention. Then, they draw the blood into their bodies to feed the eggs. If you have a birthmark-like patch where the tick was in, I believe 2-4 weeks, this means that you have been infected by the Lyme disease. Blood tests will come up negative until at least 4-6 weeks after infection. So, no rush on the DRs. visit. Hope the best. Sounds like the ticks that got you are not deer ticks - you are lucky!
A wife chased by other men at work
by greendawn ina woman i know was telling me recently that because she is pretty and has a nice body most men at work try to flirt and cajole her with the ultimate aim of having sex with her, but because she is a married woman she resists their advances.
she stresses how loyal she is to her husband.
so is she commenable or should she be liberal and have sex with other men to be hedonistic and enjoy life?
White Waves
I worked for a large company and my coworker women felt I was missing out. They encouraged who they thought was the most eligible bachelor to pursue me and told him I said things I didn't. It went on and on. I was miserable. I was not only a "trying to be a good JW against my inclinations) but he was much older and very much opinionated and tight assed. He seemed to be everywhere. Then, his department reorganized their work stations and he was directly across from me. In anger, he and his jerk friends decided to bet on which one would F me first (got that info from 2 co-workers on the same elevator - people seem to think others on an elevator don't have ears...). Pressure to go golfing with 3 men, dinner or clubbing with 3-8 other me, car rides home (I took the bus most days) continued. Even when I was dating men outside of work it continued. When I finally I married I emphasized my happiness (lie) and it ended.When I worked at a factory in the office, the same bets came up. Factory workers are in factory clothes, they get dirty and work physically. I was the only office girl and was required to wear a skirt. I had to go to the shop floor on a regular basis. I was in my late twenties and the bets were laid then too. I am sure it was just in jest but guys show off in front of other guys. Some guys, when alone with me for payroll or medical coverage issues would tell me they were sorry, felt coerced, or just pain spill the beans. The point is, I didn't get sucked in to this. It is just because in case 1, I was the youngest in the group and in case 2 the only female. Regardless, I could understand that any involvement with any male would end up in full details, blown out of proportion to the other males and the destruction of my reputation and authority. Some women do not see this far into the future. I was definitely interested in a few of these men but didn't chance it based on the overall danger to me. I remained friends with them and did not mix work with pleasure.
I didn't announce to others my predictament but it was stressful and frustrating at times. The owner even claimed he would F me before deer hunting season. That didn't happen and I made sure we looked at odds. When he and his managers came back from deer hunting, everyone heard how he only would F red-headed whores because he had to get his rocks off because I was a cold-frigid B. I left shortly after that. The men that confided in me the gossip of the rest helped make my work environment more bearable and understandable but it still meant I had to move on. I wouldn't get anywhere without Fing this owner and I knew it. Harrassment does exist - directly or indirectly. Often, it is an environment promoted by a few men, but not diminished by the men that don't agree. These men bite their tongues or smile and laugh like they are part of it all because they lack the balls to differ in behavior. I do not praise these men, I dispise them. If they said early on, let's knock it off, guys, a lot less of this would get out of hand.
This "freak'in" Divorce class from another church - damn'it...
by Confucious injust wanted to take a second to vent.... me and best friend got the same royal middle finger up the ass when it came to our marriages.. my friend's marriage was much like mine.
but i'll give you the nutshell of mine only.... was married 11 years.
pioneered full-time with my wife for 10 years.
White Waves
I had the same problems with the ELDERS at our congs. They tried not to help and then when cornered, gave canned, generic answers (it takes two, it is 50/50, don't go to bed angry, blah, blah, blah). Then, they would say they are available if we need anything else. Then they run like hell out the door and do not answer the phone or the vms. At the KH, they are "too busy" or get away before you can corner their asses. F them all. I used to say "OK, so they are not TRAINED MINISTERS, like in other religions. But their hearts will make them want to help. F that. They don't give a f. They want the power, the position, but not the resposibilities. They do nothing to really help. Whether it is marital, rape, depression (they avoid then - good for fading), health issues, etc.) The WBTS has all of these Elder classes each year but they focus on punishment of those wavering in faith and control of the masses. If they focused on actually teaching this moronic leaders of the KH to be able to comprehend the lives and the struggles of their people, how to aid them instead of guilting and shaming them for weaknesses, they would be more successful. I for one have found more support from governmental agencies after my "soon-to-be-ex-husband's" last arrest (for domestic violence and keeping me as a hostage) than I ever realized could exist anywhere. These groups and contacts have given me much growth and wisdom. I am free. He is still using this org. Soon, he'll have another woman in his trap and there is nothing I can do about it. The WBTS gives him an excuse to dominate and control. What he says carries more weight than the woman in his live. Now, if he can't capture me and re-program me, he tells me he will take a new wife that has children as he needs to exercise control over more than one. Plus, the children will act as motivation for submission to him. The cult draws and shelters people like this. Their structure makes these people not seem that far off the norm because of the isolation. I fear for his next wife, but I sure don't know how to stop it from happening. As far as I know, I can only keep myself safe from him and his sickness.
Do you believe that Demons really Exist.
by MARTINLEYSHON inthe reason why i have asked such is question is that i served as a congregation elder for 12 years.
i served as the presiding overseer for 10 years, and as chairman and media spokes-person for a particular region.
during my time within the organisation that being almost 30 years, i have concluded that there is, as far as my own experience is concerned grave doubt in my mind as to the existence of the devil and his demonic hoard.
White Waves
I believe in them but that they focus their time on the weak minded, easily influenced, as well as those who crave evidence of their existence in their lives.
Another poll: raised in or came in?
by under_believer insomeone asked a question in the "what generation are you" thread:.
were you "raised in the truth," or did you "come into the truth?".
i was raised..
White Waves
raised in.
White Waves
2nd gen.
At This Point, Would You Care If You Are or Were Disfellowshipped???
by minimus inat this stage of "coming out" of the "truth", would it faze you if you were disfellowshipped?
White Waves
At this point I'd have to say "no, not at all." I am shunned completely anyways. There would be no difference. I have no intentions of ever going back - if anything, I would promote the distruction of the WBTS. My boyfriend and his family hope the JW family members I have will open their eyes and see all of the good qualities in me and remember they onced loved me. They want to meet them and have them in the family too. It is too much for them, at this point, to understand that it will never be the way they imagine. This is the only reason I have not DA'd myself.